SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse 2.0 が公開されていました

MSDN 「Fast Track Data Warehouse 2.0 Architecture」

Bulk inserts can also introduce sorting operations that utilize tempdb if they cannot be processed in available memory.

Create two equally sized LUNs per RAID group.

You should set global trace flag 1117 to enable even growth of files across the filegroup.

The log size must be at least twice the size of largest supported DML operation (using uncompressed data volumes).

Scanning heap tables reaches maximum throughput at 32 files, so use of heaps for large fact tables on system greater than 16 cores is not recommended, unless other benefits of heap tables outweigh the scan limitations.

・Use the AUTO CREATE and AUTO UPDATE of statistics (the system default in SQL Server). Use of this technique will minimize the need to run statistics manually.

Compression of small dimension tables (that is, those with less than a million rows) is not recommended.

* Core-balanced compressed capacity based on 300GB 15k SAS not including hot spares and log drives. Assumes 25% (of raw disk space) allocated for tempdb.
** Represents storage array fully populated with 300GB15k SAS and use of 2.5:1 compression ratio. This includes the addition of one storage expansion tray per enclosure.

それと、「FTDW CPU Core Calculator」が Ver 2.4 になっていて前のと全然違う...